Saturday, July 3, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me!

Wednesday marked the beginning of my 48th year on this earth, which makes me 47 years old for those who don't relate well to math. I have not liked the idea of birthdays much since I rolled over number 40, because as I get older the disconnect between my numerical age and how I feel gets even wider. What is old and what is young? Of course this is all outwardly imposed but it still tends to affect us - society has expectations about what you should act like and where you should be in your life at various points. It's not a great system in my opinion, and I admire the many people who break out of it in various ways. Clearly life never goes as you plan it. Relationships ebb and flow, come and go, people live and die, or face death and push it back. The perpetual stresses of money, health, family, jobs, government, the environment, world peace - there is no end to the challenges we face as mere humans.

So, this year I have new thoughts about birthdays. To celebrate another year of my one and only precious life. To cultivate gratitude, and that takes a lot of work, about what is right. To know myself, what I need and what I don't. To get the maximum joy out of the seemingly small things - a relaxing walk in nature, a sweet gesture from a child, a delicious plate of food, an exciting piece of art, a delightful piece of music, a thought provoking book or movie. To show thanks to all the people in my life who have made it what it is. Thanks everyone.


  1. Love this post, Susan. You are so right about the disconnect, but we are as young as we think and feel! Have an awesome year!

  2. That makes me a 22 year old who needs two days to recover from yoga class!
