Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Contemporary Art Day

Tuesday was Contemporary Art Day! First I visited the art exhibit at the newly restored McNichols Building in Civic Center Park, part of the huge Biennial of the Americas programming going on here at virtually every institution this month. This former Smithsonian library has very high ceilings and fabulous large windows which makes it a great place for an art exhibit. Various contemporary artists from the Americas - South America, Latin America, Mexico, Canada, USA - were invited to create pieces especially for this program with the theme of "The Nature of Things". As with all modern art, the wide open theme brings out the full spectrum of ideas and ways to present it. A few pieces I enjoyed include energetic cone-like formations of various topographical areas of the state incorporating natural elements such as moss, grass and rock, allowing us to simultaneously see the power and the delicacy of nature. Another artist created elaborate, organic, futuristic buildings from dust, yes, dust mixed with some polymers, showing us how readily available materials could be used to build things with. A lot of really fascinating stuff making big statements about our world.

Afterwards I went into Civic Center Park to have some lunch. Vendors set up food kiosks in the park at lunchtime, a great break for downtown workers. I was in Happy-Land sitting outside at a table under an umbrella, listening to live guitar music (which always makes me feel good) munching my really tasty Vietnamese sandwich of smoked tempeh, pickled vegetables, sprouts and cilantro!

Then a visit to the MCA - Museum of Contemporary Art, on the other end of downtown, about a mile walk. This museum has very few permanent pieces, so every time you go the entire museum is different. Their current theme is "Energy Effects". As opposed to conserving energy, a good idea of course, these pieces are put together to explore how art allows us to see the power of energy. Human energy, molecular energy, nuclear energy, planetary energy, electronic energy. A new point of view and a new way to communicate everywhere you look!

I capped off my Happy Day with dinner with my friend Andrea who moved to Denver from Dallas two years ago. She loves it here and we had a nice visit!

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