Friday, June 25, 2010

Biking in Boulder

Thursday I spent the afternoon in Boulder, about 45 minutes northwest of Denver. After a delicious lunch of tofu yellow curry on funky, zen, hippie Pearl Street, I biked a few blocks down to the Boulder Creek Trail. This is the most beautiful bike trail I have ever seen. It runs along a gorgeous, babbling creek and the trees and greenways are magnificent. The trail runs about 5 miles through the center of town. I stopped many times along the path not only to take photos but also to admire the beauty and take in the casual and fun ambiance that is Boulder.

I would have biked into the evening but I was due in Westminster for yummy homemade pizza topped with fragrant backyard herbs at Cindy and Dennis's house. I met their lovely 14 year old daughter Tasha, and we all had a very pleasant time together. Thanks guys!


  1. What a wonderful summer you're having! And I really like the classes you're teaching the kids.

  2. Thanks D - We all need encouragement!
