Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Monday night I went to a "Linchpin" Event here in Denver. For those of you not familiar with this buzzword, it refers to fans of Seth Godin's blog, books and well-packaged daily advice all about being indispensable, unique, an agent of change and doing work that matters. Godin has been around a long time, I read his marketing books 20-plus years ago when I was in the wonderful (hah!) world of advertising and I really get a lot out of his blog and daily emails. People in various cities, Plano being one, Denver being another, have organized these get togethers and used the blog to get the word out.

In any event, I figured if I showed up to this thing and made a total idiot out of myself, well, I don't live here anyway so I have nothing to lose. As it turned out, there were about 25 people, almost all of whom seemed totally cool, intelligent, and interesting to chat with. I usually feel a little uncomfortable talking at networking type events but I think since I haven't had too many people to talk to lately, it felt good to talk, especially with this group of like minded people who are all doing something a bit different than the norm. When I got home I felt very inspired and energized to stay on the path of your passions and push that proverbial envelope, even when it's hard.

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