Sunday, June 20, 2010

Gays Just Wanna Have Fun

Lots of excitement in my neighborhood this morning because today is PrideFest! The annual Gay Pride Parade sashayed down Colfax and both the crowd and the parade were wild! Some people wore not a whole lot and some should have worn much more. In the parade there were lots of shirtless guys, a few shirtless girls, drag queens, black leather outfits, rainbow accessories (you just don't want to know where some people put their rainbows), motorcycles, classic cars, some political stuff, music ("it's fun to stay at the YMCA"), dancing, roller blading, and lotsa hugging and kissing. People were throwing beads, candy and all kinds of stuff - it was a blast! Gays know how to have fun!

This evening my old friends Cindy and Dennis Sanger came over for dinner. I haven't seen them since graduating Wash U in 1985. Cindy and I were art majors together and we also lived on the same street. Dennis was an engineering major and we knew a lot of the same people at school since I dated a few geeks, I mean, engineers. Amazingly they look pretty much the same as 25 years ago - must be the Colorado air! We had a lovely time catching up and chatting about life. I am happy to have two more friends in Denver.

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