Friday, June 18, 2010

Two Weeks Already!

Another week, another class gone by so very quickly! The past few days we painted fantastic still lifes, worked with thick and thin paint, sponge painted and much more. All the kids learned a lot and had a really fun time. That's my goal!

In some ways I feel like I just got here. The time goes by so quickly when I am teaching classes, it is really my passion. I enjoy having some free time to walk, ride, read or just think. I truly believe everyone should spend some time alone, whether you like it or not. It will be transforming.

I took a bike ride to Confluence Park where the Platte River is overflowing due to the large snowmelt this year. It's still really nice to ride along, and sometimes through, the water. Now this is what a bike path should look like! (Take note Dallas and Plano.) Tomorrow is the Century Ride where 3600 people ride 100 miles all around the Denver area, including up and yes, down, Lookout Mountain. Since I'm not quite up to that, I'm opting for the Westword Music Showcase, 7 hours, over 100 local bands, 15 venues, lots of beer.

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