Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Treat for the Senses

Saturday Cass and Herb took me to the Denver Botanic Gardens. This place is incredibly relaxing and renewing and just makes me so happy to stroll through. I love that the gardens are diverse and distinctive - I especially enjoy the Monet Pond and the Japanese Garden. Most everything is free flowing, not perfectly manicured, and the scents are intoxicating. Plus, in addition to the beautiful gardens themselves, there are currently 20 monumental Henry Moore sculptures being exhibited throughout the gardens and wow are they incredible!

After the Gardens, my wonderful cousins took me out to a pre-birthday dinner at a cool new restaurant called Root Down. This is possibly the most delicious meal I have ever had. You can tell when a true chef is at the helm. We shared a really great bottle of wine and three "small" plates, which did not look that small to me and tasted truly amazing. I just wanted the flavors to stay in my mouth forever. We topped it off with coffee and the mandatory chocolate birthday dessert complete with candle!

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